商品概要クリアコート:カラー:シルバークルーズレディ:-仕上げ:クロームU.S.A.製:専用設計:スタイル:パフォーマンスパーツタイプ:アイドルケーブルCLEAR-COATED:YesCOLOR:SilverCRUISE READY:NoFINISH:ChromeMADE IN THE U.S.A.:YesSPECIFIC APPLICATION:YesSTYLE:Performance ReplacementTYPE:Idle Cable詳細説明・The industry’s highest-quality braid available in two color choices to complement your bike;Sterling Chromite II? and Black Pearl braided with black wire・Braid color and weave match on all Magnum control cables and brake lines・Crystal-clear outer jacket offers exceptional protection against scuffing paint or chrome and will never discolor・All fittings are polished and chrome or black-chrome plated・Low-effort, high-efficiency clutch cable design・All cables are made with anti-friction inner liners and are factory lubricated for smooth, consistent, long-lasting operation・Made in the U.S.A.注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。商品番号3438