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    Our goal is to help you practically explore your career interests and be
    College Smart by getting into your dream universities

    Our goal is to build a strong foundation for the student based on his/ her interests. We help them merge their interests, passion and skills to build an impact. We help right from career counselling to defining goals for the future as well as developing them holistically through projects and programs. Through career exploration we are able to provide students the confidence they need while making their career choices. Additionally, shows strength in their profile for activities focused for a longer duration. We also help you plan your summer schools and guide in other life skills.

    Our goal is to help you develop your profile holistically and unique to you such that it represents you while making you stand out. We connect students to national and international opportunities that fit best for them. A unique timeline is created for each student, giving them sufficient time to prepare for standardised tests and submitting the best quality application. From shortlisting to essays and scholarships to Visa, our team is always only a call away.

    While each university/ college has a different process, requirements and deadlines, we have streamlined the process for you and guide you through the process to apply to some of the best universities in India. Our team works tirelessly to ease the process for all and help students get into their dream colleges and universities with scholarships.

    Our goal is to help students applying for Masters degrees to curate their profile in a unique manner and guide them while submitting their applications for Masters, MIM, MBA, etc to all major countries. We help from streamlining your story to presenting your story creatively in the application to help make you stand out! From shortlisting to essays to final decisions, we are there to support you through it all.

    Grade 9-10

    Grade 9: Discover where your potential lies     Grade 10: Develop yourself holistically


    Career Exploration: It indicates what a student is interested in, has an aptitude for and what they are most likely to pursue


    Summer programs: Shortlisting and application to the top summer programs across the globe to give the student opportunity to get experience


    External Competitions: Guidance and access to external programs and competitions to help develop soft and hard skills and ones that will provide you with the most value


    Application Theme & Strategy: Exposing student to wide variety of ideas, helps students explore what is there to study, focus on breadth of activities


    Standardised tests planning: Introduce students to testing material, prepare them for academic rigour and planning for the same


    Academic and Internship guidance: Strategising to prepare for relevant AP exams, subjects to choose, internship opportunities available and networking to drive a change

    Grade 11-12

    Grade 11: Define your story     Grade 12: Display and unveil your potential


    Capstone Projects: The number and quality of the project depends on the time the student joins us. It is the highlight of the students profile to universities as it best represents the student- their passion, interest, skill and reason for being. 


    Application strategy: We now shift from breadth to depth and work with the students towards developing measurable and tangible work in their field of interest to show a theme and a story in the profile.


    Personalised college list: Our experts create a personalised list based on the needs, expectations of the student and family followed by post graduation expectations.

    Personalised essay guidance: Students receive brainstorming sessions and essay guidance and feedback on all essays in the admissions process. 


    Standardised tests preparation: Our team of experts has given excellent results in SAT, IELTS, TOEFL, AP and many other exams. 


    Additional application requirements: From completing college applications, deciding who and what for LOR’s to preparing for interviews, we hold multiple groups and one on one sessions to provide our support to the students. 

    Budget Program: Depending on the needs of the students, we help apply to internal and external scholarships. Allow students to strategize to graduate before or on time while saving a minimum $50,000.

    Post Graduate Admissions:

    We guide students with no work experience to some work experience to apply for specialised masters programs and MBA. 


    Application strategy: It includes strategizing to define your story and fill in the missing dots to help you stand out. 


    External Competitions: Guidance and access to external programs and competitions to help develop soft and hard skills and ones that will provide you with the most value


    Personalised college list: Our experts create a personalised list based on the needs, expectations of the student and family followed by post graduation expectations.

    Personalised essay guidance: Students receive brainstorming sessions and essay guidance and feedback on all essays in the admissions process. 


    Standardised tests preparation: Our team of experts has given excellent results in GRE, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL and many other exams. 


    Additional application requirements: From completing college applications, deciding who and what for LOR’s to preparing for interviews, we hold multiple groups and one on one sessions to provide our support to the students. 

    Career Planning: We help students develop a plan for their postgraduate education and career path, including job opportunities, networking, and professional development.

    Indian Universities:

    Shortlisting and applications: Provide exploration and final college lists to students based on their budget, needs, requirements, etc


    Profile Building: With universities becoming more liberal and holistic in their approach, we mentor students to build their profile strategically which also allowed them to explore career options


    Essays, LOR’s & Additional Support: Provide guidance on supporting documents including how to write the essays, who to receive a recommendation from and any other requests a specific college might have


    Entrance test preparation: Our experts with 15+ years of experience provide support to students to clear common entrance exams like CUET, NPAT, CET, IPMAT and other university specific entrance exams. 

    Interview preparation: We provide robust training for students to feel confident, know themselves and their answers and succeed in the interviews that hold about 50% weightage in the decision making.

    Career Counselling:

    Our team of counsellors are International Certified Career Coaches who have worked with many students to help them find their career path

    1. Personalised career guidance: We guide students to help them identify their strengths, interests, and values and explore career options that align with their goals and aspirations.
    2. Skill and aptitude assessment: Our skill and aptitude assessments to help individuals gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, and guide them towards careers that suit their personality and skill set.
    3. Reports with next steps: Our reports are comprehensive such that it provides you with insights, gives options, guides you with the next steps and helps you feel more confident about your career choice.